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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spoken Word Poetry

Glistering As A Diaphanous Mirror

I woke inside a dying star
She was in an array of alabastrine magic
Blooming as prolific roses and dawning daffodils
Her songs were that of every single bird sonnet
Echoing within a perfect stillness

…And the cranes over the waterfowls flew
And flew farther and farther into creation’s of time
As one hundred rivers and oceans were rushing through her,
where I seen myself there… standing in her light 
Captured within the embrace of eventide’s gloam
Darkening inside the ebonic shadows…spilling memories
Fading fading fading ever so softly:

Yet, deeper I gathered inside her, wandering and collecting
While she whispered beatitudes’ upon the wind voices
Swirling and whirling cascading as a carousel of dreams
Then a shouting crowd of chaotic cosmonauts arrived
Taking her true essence from within her core…

(she exploded)

…And I became one inside the nothingness…the moment of everything
This infinitude of everlasting endlessness, arriving and dying
Disappearing with her prismatic rainbows
she remained…where I reflectively began glistering as a diaphanous mirror
Never even knowing who she really was
As I woke inside the dying star of her soul…

© Poetry by: Victoria L. McColley

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